Friday, April 17, 2009


hey yall dont have much time! coming home april 30th!!! see yall soon!!! love you


Christy said...

Dang it!! i always write a long comment then it tells me to sign in and i dont remember my password so i have to sign up again!!! Anyway! Hi. I went on the website for Emmanuel, that place is HUGE! I was telling my boss that you were over there helping out and she is interested in adopting and asked if you could help. I dont know if maybe you can bring something back that i can give her, or if the web page is enough. Anyway cant wait to see you. love you! Ciao.

Daniel Balboa said...

See you then bro.

KAE said...

I wanted to tell Christy if anyone wants to sponsor a hild here the person to conatct is Tammy Elick thre is inormation on the Ophanage emmanuel webite there arealso photos of the kids. If you need help I can send info. It is really easy to get started.

John, how long are you going to be home. Lee and I will be gone till the middle of May. I hopeI get to see you.