Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ending of my vacation!

Well my time back here in the states is coming to a close and I can only look back and say that I am blessed by a truly awesome God. My time here has been great. Some times I got a little board, but for the most part I have been able to see just about everyone I wanted to see and talk to all the people that I miss so much. I hope this next year I will be able to stay in contact with more of my church family.
I think that was the toughest part about coming back was to see that everyone was so happy that I have returned back home but they never gave a thought to writing me or trying to stay in contact with me. But a big part of that is my fault, I think. I am going to be a little more aggressive in trying to get the word out about what I need and where I am at.
But God has shown me a few things during this trip back home:
First, God is very real and wants me to be the happiest I can be
Second, I never want to be away from Jenny for more then 3 weeks at a time
Third I can eat a ton of junk food but I miss rice and beans
Four The love of Christ shown to me through others, is much larger and grander then I could have ever imagined. (thank you everyone for taking care of me and giving so much)
Fifth My parents where chosen for me to lift me up and support me through all the good times and the bad.
Sixth Grandmas rock
Seventh I love Thai food, Chinese food, panera bread, frozen yogurt, and Cadbury eggs.
Eight I love Jesus!

none of these are in any particular order. lol. But those are just a few things God has shown me!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!! BUT CANT WAIT TO GET BACK TO HONDURAS!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back in Cali! Storms are raging.

Well it has been 2 days back in California, and I am having a great time. It is hard being back home. Living in my old home, seeing my friends and family. And all the time wishing I could have both worlds together (Emmanuel and Cali). I guess that was the hard decision with all the disciples. Brings to mind the event that weeded out the true followers of Christ and the ones that where just along for the ride. It was when Jesus set out to sea to preach to those who have not herd the good news. And while Jesus set out for another land many others did as well. Everything was going great until... until the storms hit the boats. And if you have never been on a boat in the middle of the ocean when a storm starts, it is probably the most scary thing you will ever experience, The strongest force you will probably ever experience moving with no regard for life, waves so large and so fast that makes you fill like an ant as someone pours a 5 gallon bucket of water on your head. Much like life we have storms that scare us, and while the storm raged on the sea, Jesus pushed on, but many others turned back to where they came from. My time back in the states is my storm. I know there where probably many great people that had to turn around that day, that storm was not a normal one, it was a test of faith, a test of what is really in their hearts. But for me, I am going to push on and keep going, this is hard but I know that the testing of my faith produces endurance. Endurance to face even more difficult storms. I will keep my eye’s on Jesus and not look around me. I don't want to fall into the water. I am fully committed and cant turn back now.
We all have this point in our lives as Christians, what are you going to do? Be a leaf blown around in the wind or a tree planted firmly in the ground?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Back in cali!

Hey yall back in cali hit me up i wana see everyone! but i dont have a car and i am broke! so if you dont mind picking me up im yours lol